Clergy Shirts/Blouses from The Robe Shop
RSW/The Robe Shop Worldwide
115 5th Ave South #8 * Kirkland, WA 98033
(Mailing address only - please note that we do not have a retail showroom and our offices are not open to the public.)
Toll-free 1-8-ONLY-ROBES (1-866-597-6237) * Local 425-402-3736
FAX (425) 822-4737 24 hrs
E-MAIL: [email protected]
EASY STEP-BY-STEP ORDERING: Yes, you can call toll-free, email, FAX or mail in your order! (PLUS- we're friendly- we'll help you even if you're allergic to forms- just call!) FAXing? So we can read your FAX- Use a BLACK PEN!
First, please review this webpage- it will help you with our order questions.
This form cannot be filled in on-line, but is a great tool to walk you through your order choices for any of the 5 submission methods explained below. Note that we have marked start and stop points for Copy & Paste methods.
CHOOSE YOUR METHOD from these 5:
1) Copy the text and paste into an email (Our preferred method), typing in the answers
2) Print out and fill out by hand for referral when calling in the order
3) Paste into a word processing program, typing in the answers for FAXing, attaching to an email or snail mailing (note: emailed attached files can get deleted as suspicious- call if you don't hear from us)
4) Print out and fill out by hand for FAXing or mailing, along with check if you don't want to use a bankcard on a mailed order. (Please call us to verify price before writing your check)
5) PDF copies of the order can be emailed, but we can work better with the straight text methods above. NO WEB-BASED/GOOGLE DOCUMENTS, please.
For more complete ordering directions, please read our order guidelines at the bottom of this page.
SIZING: Please refer to the size chart below
The following Clergy Shirts are sized according to standard shirt sizes. Make sure you order the proper size, as these garments cannot be exchanged or returned. Neck measurement should be taken with a flexible measuring tape around the collar area. To verify the correct size for your long-sleeved shirt, please refer to this long-sleeved standard measurement chart:
For full descriptions, see Men's Clergy Shirts
For help with measuring (sleeves are a little tricky), or other questions, see Measuring Help/Robe Info
Please indicate quantity and size. Circle color choices.
____ Item #GNTABSS Traditional Tab Collar Short-sleeved, size 14 1/2 -18 and 18 �-21 | Size details: Black and white start at size 14 1/2, all other colors start at size 15
Neck: ____ *Color: Black White Purple Gray French Blue Burgundy Indigo/Royal Blue Red
For full descriptions, see Women's Clergy Blouses
____ SHIRT FRONT Neck size: _______ Color: Black Fuschia Purple
____Collar tab, fits all tab-collar Friar Tuck/Murphy shirts/blouses
____GNSC104 Clerical Collar SET, polyethylene with a linen-look finish 1 1/4" in height
____GNSC105 Clerical Collar SET, polyethylene with a linen-look finish 1-1/2" in height
____Collar Button, ___long shank/ ___short shank
____Cuff Links, Item number ________________
____Cuff Links, Item number ________________
Need-by date: In case we have questions, we MUST have your phone number (including EXTENSION if applicable) and for international orders- email address: Name & Physical Ship Address (no PO Boxes!): BANKCARD INFORMATION- (If you are paying by check, leave card info blank and send this form with your payment for all items plus shipping charges.)
VISA/AMEX/MC card number with spaces: _________ | ________ | _________ | ___________
___CREDIT or ___DEBIT | Expiry date:   _ _ / _ _  |   Security Code:   _ _ _ _ (3 or 4 numbers, REQUIRED) Please read and sign: I am fully responsible for payment of this order, including any legal/collection fees required if payment is withheld or cancelled. I acknowledge that my prepayment is a rough estimate of charges only and does not guarantee the final invoice price, which will account for any style or vendor changes, order additions, initial estimate adjustments, actual shipping costs, and unforeseen price increases. If paying by credit card, I understand that the card statement will show payment to "RSW Robeshop" and (if appropriate) I have informed the person who pays the statement. Mailing address for invoice/receipt: IF THE CARDHOLDER ZIP CODE and ADDRESS numbers DO NOT MATCH this order billing address, the card will not process successfully. For CARD address verification, we need the correct NUMERICAL data- house/PO box# and zip code- where the statement for this card is mailed. Note: We have a lot of difficulty with corporate cards. We MUST HAVE THE EXACT MAILING ADDRESS FOR THE CARD STATEMENT, not the address for the person ordering.
Important if YOU are not the cardholder: we must have direct communication from the cardholder to avoid misunderstandings and/or chargebacks. If someone else is paying for this order (including your organization or corporation), they must sign the statement above, or if this is not possible please provide here the name and direct phone number for the accounting person in charge of paying the credit card bill:
The following Clergy Blouses are sized according to this chart. Make sure you order the proper size, as these garments cannot be exchanged or returned. To verify the correct size, please refer to this measurement chart:
(Measure bust at the fullest part- do not use bra size!)
____ Item #GNWTABSS Traditional Tab Collar Short-sleeved, Misses sizes 8-20
Size: ____ *Color: Black White Burgundy French Blue Purple
____ Item #GNSHELL Shell Neckband Blouse Short-sleeved, collar sold separately (see below). Misses sizes 8-28
Size: ____ *Color: Black White Misses sizes 8-24 ONLY: Taupe Royal Blue Moss Green
____ Item #GNSW113 Tunic Neckband Top 3/4 sleeved, collar sold separately (see below). Misses sizes 8-24
Size: ____ *Color: Black ONLY
____ Item #GNWTABLS  Tab Collar Long-sleeved, Misses sizes 8-20
Size: ____ *Color: Black White Burgundy
Accessories: Please enter quantity
Size: _______ Order 1/2 size larger than shirt collar size
Size: _______ Order 1/2 size larger than shirt collar size
(Signature (FAX) or type name (email) and date:
ZIP:________________House/PO Box NUMBER:____________________
Please note that the following ship charges apply only to clergy shirts, shirt accessories and clergy signs. Robes, cassocks, stoles or other kinds of products are shipped separately under a different rate schedule, itemized on the appropriate order form.
$19.95 first shirt/item
$1.00 each additional shirt/item
TAX Washington residents must add 10.5% tax on full amount including shipping. All other states: Sales tax may be applicable and is added at invoicing. Please submit a State tax-exempt form with your order if appropriate. Note: We cannot remove your sales tax assessment once it has been invoiced
DELIVERY TIME: Our Qwick-ship (ready-to-wear) garments ship the next business day after you order. Normal shipping time to the US48 depends on your location, and takes 1-6 business days. Need it faster? We are experts at handling rush orders! For the best service at the lowest cost, please provide an accurate and specific "need-by" date so we can determine ship method options. Usually this would be one day prior to wearing, to allow for variations in delivery time. Please note that once your order is in process with your chosen target date, the date cannot be changed. Most orders ship directly from our plant as this saves delivery time, and for this reason invoices are mailed separately after your order arrives.
Foreign orders: Please see Order FAQ for delivery details to foreign addresses
Thank you for your order! We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you. Thank you also for your cooperation with our order guidelines, which saves us hours of time and allows us to focus on fulfilling your order promptly! Our business success has for over 20 years depended on our ability to meet your deadline. We do it well- please work with us by following these guidelines:
***Minimum Order: If your order is less than $20, your charge is the minimum $20 required for ALL orders + shipping and any applicable tax. During Graduation Season (April 15-June 30) our minimum is $30. Sorry, no exceptions.***
ALL orders must be prepaid, including shipping charges. Orders are not processed until we have BOTH your order AND your payment.
Put it in writing! Verbal order information can be misunderstood. The best way is to submit your order on this (or the appropriate) form. We will contact you to verify. Don't like the web-based form? We can FAX or mail a condensed 1-page form. Just ask!
FAXed orders must have a bankcard number for payment written on this form. Your card information is very secure. We will honor requests for us to call you for your card number, but it will delay your order.
EMAILED FORMS: To email your order, simply copy this order form text (START & END of order text are marked) and paste into a new email message, then proceed to type in your information. FOR PROMPT RESULTS, USE THIS IN YOUR SUBJECT LINE: ***ORDER***ORDER***ORDER*** Please include at least half of your bankcard information, then follow up with a second email for the remaining half (Subject= "[your name] order part 2"), or just send all of it at once, depending on your comfort level. We always call to confirm your order, so if you don't get a response within 1 business day, please contact us to make sure your email was received.
If you want to pay by check or money order, do not email or FAX this form. It will NOT speed up your order as we do not process it until payment is received. A double-shipment or lost order could result. Both the form and your payment must be submitted together. Use a courier service (FedEx, UPS) air letter for RUSH orders.
PHONE ORDER: We can help you best if you have printed out this form and filled in the information, or at least have read it so you know what information we will need. Being prepared before calling will aid enormously with your phone order and save staff time!
We will let you know if there are any problems fulfilling your order as requested. Each order is verified. You will not be charged for items that are not supplied. Please allow time for your order to be processed before calling about the current status. We understand perfectly your concern that your order is on the way, and are happy to verify that for you. See our policies at About Us
When your order arrives: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Inspect your package carefully, making sure that your order is correct. If there are any problems or questions, contact us immediately at the Robe Shop, NOT our order fulfillment plant whose name and address may be on the package. Our staff has been directed to respond promptly to all concerns that are expressed in a rational manner. Yelling, threats, or vulgar language will constitute a breach of this agreement and releases The Robe Shop from any further obligations to resolve your issue. DO NOT ALLOW THE PACKAGE(S) TO SIT UNINSPECTED UNTIL YOUR EVENT. On the day before or day of your event, there is virtually nothing we can do to solve problems regarding missing or wrong items!!! Also- garments need to be hung in advance to release wrinkles.
Returns: No returns are accepted without prior authorization or after 30 days from date of order. For a detailed customer service policy and more return/exchange information for anything in our Qwick-Ship Line, featuring finely tailored ready-made garments, please see our About Us page, policy section.
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